How to i write an effective resume

1.Grap a piece of paper.

When you're about to write application read the instruction carefully and start writing down.Write down about your skills and experiences on your resume.Compare with your skills and experience whether that fit to you or not.
If you have all this points in your resume than you provide better information about you.

2.Contact information. 

To make your resume attractive dont forget to add your contact information,it helps them to contact you directly and take all the necessary information about you.
You can add your full name,address,city,email,house number and your social media user etc.

3.Company’s information. 

In your resume write the name correctly to whom you're applying,write down his name,designation,and the company address.When you add all this it shows your research and your works and the time you have taken to write resume and your presentation.
If you're not sure about the company you can do research on internet and write it down with proper information.Never ever give wrong address about the company.

4.Proper Address to whom you are writing.

Always begin your resume in Formal way,give correct address,information and start writing down with capital letter like,TO or Dear sir/madam or To The Directing Manager or To The Executive Manager etc.

5.First paragraph.

Make good statement about yourself on the first para.Make sure you dont mess up in the first para.The Company only read the first para of the resume because they dont have much time to go throug all the application.
Make your resume short,clean and specific about the job and why you are applying for that particular job and why you are fit for the job.Show them how eager you are for this job and how you can handle all the problems and do it more effectively.

6.Assure them that they will never regret hiring you.

Give a good statement that they will never regret hiring you.Be very polite in your resume.Make sure that before you write down do some little research,what are the problems they face in company and their failure.Assure them that you will face all those problems and do your work without failing.Show them that you are the most capable canditate.
You can even explain why the company is failing in some areas.Give them proper suggestion and new ideas that will generate more revenues to the company.

7.Mention your eduaction qualificatiom and your work experience.

In the next para make sure that you mention about education qualification and your work exeprience.Giving details information about your qualification and work experience makes your resume attractive and proper. 
Hightlight some of the achievment you have accomplished and explain in details how you are capable in handling the situation.

End your resume in polite way.In short say why you are capable canditate and dont forget to conclude by thanking the company.


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